A Thousand Miles Piano Sheet Music Easy Piano Sheet Music Letters
I love this song.
A Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton.
And it's a great song to learn on piano. As you'll see, and hear below.
In this post we'll compare two different versions of A Thousand Miles piano sheet music:
An easy version.
And a harder version. I'm going to call it the hard version. But it's actually intermediate. I just prefer to think of this post as easy vs hard. For some reason it seems more exciting that way.
Anyway, you'll find links to both versions at the end of the post.
But for now:
Read on… and listen on… and I hope this post helps you pick a version to learn.
Now, let's begin…
A Thousand Miles Piano Sheet Music – Intro
Both versions of the sheet music have a really great intro. We'll start by looking at the easy version.
And be sure to hit the play button to hear what it sounds like:
A Thousand Miles Piano Sheet Music – Intro – Easy Version
Sounds great doesn't it?
So the easy version has changed the key to C major. Which is a good idea. I mean, when I was a beginner, 5 sharps in the key signature was viewed by myself, as some kind of a sick joke.
I also like that it shows the chord name for each chord change. This is useful if you know your chords. And want to add a bit of your own variation.
Now let's take a look at the hard version.
A Thousand Miles Piano Sheet Music – Intro – Hard Version
Technically it's not very much more difficult than the easy version. However, the main difference is the way it's notated and the key signature.
And I think it's a bit more satisfying to know that you're playing it in the correct key.
Let's move onto the verse:
A Thousand Miles Piano Sheet Music – Verse
The easy sheet music verse is just below.
You'll see that the first line uses two note chords in the left hand with a simple melody line in the right hand. Then the second line is very similar to the intro again.
A Thousand Miles Piano Sheet Music – Verse – Easy Version
Did you know Vanessa Carlton's mother was a pianist?
And Vanessa started getting piano lessons from her mother at the ripe old age of 2.
Imagine that.
I mean, I can't remember what I was doing at the age of 2…
Probably annoying my parents.
On to the hard sheet music verse.
Here we also have two note chords in the left hand and simple melody line in the right hand. But I will say that the rests are very effective in this section. So make sure you pay special attention to them, if you do decide to learn this version.
A Thousand Miles Piano Sheet Music – Verse – Hard Version
Now let's move on to the chorus.
A Thousand Miles Piano Sheet Music – Chorus
So the easy version looks quite easy. It's just a single line in the left hand. And a single line in the right hand.
However the left hand is moving quite a bit so be sure to watch out for that.
A Thousand Miles Piano Sheet Music – Chorus – Easy Version
Now the hard version left hand is actually even easier. Much less movement here. And much less notes!
But the right hand is a bit more complex. Especially with the ties and occasional sixteenth notes.
A Thousand Miles Piano Sheet Music – Chorus – Hard Version
Anyway, that's about it. I hope you enjoyed this post and got some value from it. And I hope the audio snippets were useful too.
Here are the links to both versions:
Easy sheet music
Hard sheet music
Note: These are both affiliate links. Which means that sheetmusicplus will give me a tiny bit of money if you decide to purchase. It's kinda like them giving me a gift because I introduced you to their sheet music.
I hope that makes sense.
So a big thank you if you do decide to purchase one (or both) of these versions.
And if you'd like to hear more from me, I encourage you to subscribe to the mailing list below. Each email provides great information and entertainment so be sure to check it out.
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Now, it's time for me to go and work out why my mother never gave me piano lessons when I was 2.
Did she not want me to be rich?
Did she not want me to be famous?
She's got some explaining to do…
Source: https://pianoperfecting.com/a-thousand-miles-piano-sheet-music/
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