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Quadrafire Pellet Stove Wont Feed Pellets

  1. Hmm Quadrafire will not feed pellets at start up

    I have a Quadrafire Castile that will not feed pellets on start up. Has worked trouble free for 8 years. Call button is lit but auger will not turn on. Cleaned out hopper, checked snap discs for continuity. I opened the control box and the light on the board flashes continuously when I unplug/plug in the machine. Manual states it should blink in a series of 4 blinks and turn off after 60 seconds. Any ideas what to check next?

  2. Is the stove and vent both clean. Behind baffles, combustion blower, exhaust outlet, and the entire vent?

    It could be a large multitude of problems beside that. Call a dealer for service.

  3. thanks for the reply jtp10181. Further cleaning and electrical testing seems to have cured it. Back up and running.

  4. quad castile auger loss of vacuum

    I'm having trouble too. Here's how it goes for me: Plug stove in, exhaust fan turns on, element heats up, no pellets feed to the pot. I bypassed the vacuum switch and the auger then worked, to find that it is not the switch itself, but the vacuum in the auger is not sucking, thus not closing switch, not feeding. removed hose end from auger side, gave it a little suck with my mouth and the switch closed and the auger began feeding. I have blown into the auger side thinking there was something in it, I can blow through it. stuck a toothpick in there to see if there was something, nuthin. The front glass door is closed tightly and the hopper is full of pellets. The auger does work as I said it feeds pellets when I bypass the vacuum switch
    question is: how can I increase or even develop any vacuum from the auger side? why is it not sucking?
    Note: I ordered and replaced the vacuum switch with a new one and it still did not work.
    I have traced this down to nothing other than the auger not sucking. What are the logistics of the auger? What is activating vacuum and why?

  5. quadrafire castile vacuum problem fixed

    After tearing the stove apart (removing the auger, checking all switches, etc) I discovered that a nice little rat planted a nest in my exhaust tube, thus the air flow was restricted and proper vacuum could not be achieved. A good cleaning and proper seal job with silicon fixed it right up and now it works. This tells me that the vacuum switch is super sensitive and you must not have any blockages no matter how big.

  6. Pellet stoves

    Hey guy's im not real farmilliar with these stoves however I did used to work at a place that manufactured corn burning stoves and was wondering if anyone knew if this is the same thing only burning some sort of pellets?It sounds like the same thing to me. The corn burners used and auger to move the corn from a hopper to the combustion chamber but I was young and it was long ago(so long I forgot till I read the thread) and only worked for 1 month so dont know how it lit the corn, has antone seen these and know the similarities of it and pellet?

  7. Same problem here. I'm using a Castile insert that is 3 month old and I have used maybe 180 kg pellets so far.

    From time to time it doesn't feed pellets when I try to start it. I have bypassed the vacuum switch and then it works fine.

    I blew through the vacuum hose from the vacuum switch side as hard as I could and it sounded like there was nothing blocking at the auger side. Also I sucked on the vacuum switch to get a sens of if it isn't sensible, but it reacts by that I just place my lips around it's connection pipe so it seems quite ok I think.

    I've removed the combustion fan to and found no rats or birds as far up as I could see.

    It feels like air can leak into the hopper or something.

    Any tips would be appreciated.


  8. I used my air compressor and blowing through the hose from the vacuum switch side, but that didn't change anything. I removed the vacuum switch completely from hose and electric cables and noticed that I could hear a clicking sound in it sometimes when I rotated it around. This made me think that it can be more or less sensitive to vacuum regarding to the angle of it so I started an experiment:

    1. I connected the hose back to the switch and shortcutted the cables to by pass it.
    2. Connected a multi meter to measure the resistance in the vacuum switch.
    3. Turned the stove on and watched the comustion fan spin up.
    4. I hold the vacuum switch perfectly vertical so the membran was facing away from me and the electric connectors towards me and the hose nibble to the left.
    5. slowly rotating the vacuum switch around an imaginary axis going through the hose nibble and through the vacuum switch. I would like to call this axis X. In other words I tilt the top part away from me and the bottom part towards me.

    By doing step 5 for about 10 to 15 degrees it started to react when the combustion fan goes on and if I switched the fan off the switch react on that too and broke the circuit to stop pellets feading.

    I had to change the fastening a little for the vacuum switch to be able to tilt it but after doing this everything works fine.

    Hope this will be of help for anyone.



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